Awards (selected)
- PROLL! with a screenplay by Maike Wetzel won the Deutschen Kurzfilmpreis (2021) by the Federal Ministry for Culture and Media (BKM)- the highest recognition in this category and was submitted to the Oscars 2022, 1st place in the German competition of the Internationalen Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen (2021), Deutscher Kamerapreis (2022), honorable mention as best medium-length film at 17. achtung berlin Filmfestival (2021)
- Elly longlisted für CWA (Crime Writer’s Association) Dagger Award for Crime Fiction in Translation (2021)
- INITIAL - Sonderstipendium der Akademie der Künste (2021)
- Digital literary residency in the Hôtel des Autrices, Berlin (2021)
- Debut of the year 2019 by Literaturwerk Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar and the Schriftstellerverband Saarland (VS)
- Robert Gernhardt-Preis (2017), awarded by Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und der Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturbank Hessen
- Martha-Saalfeld-Förderpreis of Rheinland-Pfalz (2016)
- Goethe Institute's /German Foreign Office's Writer in Residence in New Zealand (2014)
- Stadtschreiberstipendium (writer in residence) at the European Cultural Capital Pécs, Hungary (2010)
- writer in residence of the the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) in Liverpool & Lancaster, UK (2009)
- Alfred-Döblin-Stipendium by the Academy of the Arts, Berlin (2008)
- Bordeaux-Stipendium des Hessischen Literaturrats (2008)
- Stipendium der Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung (2007)
- Residency at Hald Hovedgaard, Viborg/Denmark; appointed by the Baltic Ring (2007)
- Gerhard-Beier-Award (2006)
- Bavarian State Prize for Literary Newcomers (2000)
- Script Award from the Bavarian Theatre Academy (2000)
- 1st prize in the Allegra short story competition (2000)
- Residency at the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles (2005) and at the Villa Serpentara in Olevano Romano, Italy (2006)