Virtual reality performance by Silvia Albarella with a text by Maike Wetzel won 1st prize at the Digital Arts Festival in Zurich (2024), premiered at Theaterdiscounter, Berlin, 11.-14.4.2024, film festival Dokumentale 10.-20.10.2024, Berlin
stage play, premiere 7th until November 2023 at HAU1 (Hebbel am Ufer) in Berlin, director and producer: Adrian Figueroa
Orpheus & die Päonienfrau
music theater, Premiere 19.10.2019 at Bühnen Halle, director: Christoph Werner, as well as: 07th March 2020 Prinzregententheater München
Geister (opera fractal)
music theater, artistic direction: Marc Sinan, premiere 27th March.2019 at whiteBOX in Munich, as well as: 17th November 2019 at Bühnen Halle, December 2020 Spreehalle Berlin, 13th December 2020 Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau
Der singende Kopf
artistic director: Marc Sinan, Premiere at Radialsystem Berlin 05th April 2019
Survival (in English)
08th August 2021 Resonanzraum Hamburg, 19., 20.08.2022 Spreehalle Berlin
30 min fictional film /winner of the German competition in Oberhausen 2021; PRODUCED BY: Film Five & HAU Berlin
90 min feature film (cinema) work-in-progess
Script: Maike Wetzel
Directed by: Mattthias Luthardt
Production company: french exit & N.N. Script Founding: Hessische Filmförderung (HFF-Land and HFF-hr)
90 min feature film (cinema) work-in-progess
Script: Maike Wetzel in collaboration with Bettina Blümner
Directed by: Bettina Blümner
Production company: Reverse Angle Factory/ Penrose Film Script Founding: FFA
90 min movie (cinema) work-in-progess
Script: Maike Wetzel & Christoph Hochhäusler
Directed by: Christoph Hochhäusler
Production: Komplizen Film GmbH
Script founding: Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
90 min movie (cinema)
Treatment: Maike Wetzel & Axel Koenzen
Directed by: Axel Koenzen
Production: Rohfilm GmbH
Script Development Founding: MediaPlus
15 min, 35 mm
short film, 2002
Written and directed by: Maike Wetzel
Production: Drife Productions Script founding: FFF Bayern
- Script Award from the Bavarian Theatre Academy - festivals: Karlovy Vary, CZ/ Alpinale, A/ 10. Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche 2003
15 min, 16 mm
short film, 2000
Written and directed by: Maike Wetzel
Writer-director/ tutor: Tankred Dorst
7 min, Beta SP
TV documentary, ARD, 1999
reporter: Maike Wetzel
tutor: Prof. Gerd Ruge
About a family in Chernobyl, Tschernobyl
6 min, Beta SP
Director's workshop
Directed by: Maike Wetzel
Tutor: Dani Levy
Written: B. Bertolucci
7 min, black-white, 16mm
Documentary, 1995
Edited and written, directed: Maike Wetzel
various festival participations.